I had a girl come into my school who had a 2 inch regrowth of level 3 and then the hair shaft was what you see on the left, which since I use Goldwell in my school I matched it to 5NBP (5 Neutral Beige Pearl) or light brown reflecting opal. She wanted a flamboyage which is an ombré with a balayage. So the first step I did was for the regrowth I mixed 60mls of 20 volume and 60 mls of 5NBP (Goldwell uses a 1:1 ratio). I applied it to the regrowth area and let it process for 20 minutes. I then brought the color halfway down the shaft to refresh the color and let that process for about 10 minutes. After rinsing and washing the color away, I had to roughly dry the hair 80-90%. I took horizontal partings in the back and did subsections vertically where I lightly teased and applied BW2 lightener. Slowly as I got to the top most horizontal sections and I started to balayage higher and higher. I did the same thing as I got to the front, but I did diagonal partings toward the face since she wan...
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